Bring your game to life with top-tier voice actors & subtitles

We’ve helped over 1,000 games go global

Partner with a world leader in voice localization

Comprehensive localization services
Comprehensive localization services
Get everything you need in 1 place: voice-over, dubbing, and subtitles as well as translation, quality assurance, and content management.
Proven gaming expertise
Proven gaming expertise
We've been providing gaming companies with world-class localization services for over a decade.
The best gaming voice talent
The best gaming voice talent
Elevate your game with professional voice talent. Our actors are native speakers and passionate gamers with game industry experience.
24/7 support
24/7 support
You'll have a dedicated project management team covering your game and available to you 24/7.
Voice-overs in 24 hours
Voice-overs in 24 hours
Need an urgent voice-over? We'll handle projects of up to 1,200 words within 24 hours.
Enhanced gameplay experience
Enhanced gameplay experience
Captivate new markets and delight players around the world with localized voice acting, subtitles, and sound effects in your game.

How it works, step-by-step

We'll work with you to hand-select the perfect actors for the characters in your game.
After your scripts have been localized, the cast will record and submit their performances for review.
You'll have the opportunity to provide feedback to the actors and request additional takes before wrapping the project.

Some of the great games and software we’ve helped go global

  • LQA
  • LQA
  • LQA
  • LQA
  • LQA
  • LQA
Delight gamers and software users worldwide. Get expert advice from our localization managers.
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